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Build The Right Community

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Our Mission

Life Works provides comprehensive supports for persons with developmental disabilities to live real lives in homes of their own. The primary focus of Life Works is to support all people to create full rich lives that reflect personal choice across home and community environments.

Life Works Partners With People To:

PURSUE full membership in the community of their choice.

CREATE vision and future by facilitating person-centered planning opportunities.

CULTIVATE a small value driven organization and the collective voice of all of its stakeholders.

ENJOY the varied opportunities afforded them in their community.

DEVELOP creative teams of support designed for each person individually.

CELEBRATE the unique gifts presented by each person.

LEARN with people through the highs and lows of their lives.

What We Do: Custom Designed Support


Life Works is collaborating with individuals that want to design richer, more connected lives in the community of their choosing. We believe that engaging with community is always more satisfying than simply being in community. As a team, we work to reveal the true gifts and contributions of a person. We believe that every person thrives in membership. Each person’s dream and desired outcome is different from the next. We begin a journey with each person working from an inaugural plan that is flexible and accommodates new ideas and shifts in direction. We consistently ask ourselves the questions: What more is possible? and What is the Next Best Question?

Our services are provided in San Diego County in the community of their choosing. Whether it is in a person’s home, school or workplace, the support services are guided by the individual receiving services. We utilize a variety of service designs through the San Diego Regional Center that best meet the needs of each individual person. Whether it is Supported Living Services, Independent Living Services, Community Integration Training Program or Tailored Day Program, our hopeful outcome is the same… connectedness.

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